Making milk for my kids has alw been a challenge. It's alw hard to gauge the right temp of the water, ended up alw too hot or too diluted becos I added too much water to bring down the temp of the milk. Esp when middle of night, my baby is crying and the milk is too hot for her.
I was lucky to get to buy this Toyomi Digital Kettle from SuperMom Voices and try it out. With 5 preset temperatures: 40°C Baby Milk, is just ideal for me. really liked the digital display and found it very helpful, easy to read. Cool-touch Outer Shell which meant the kettle didn't go hot was a nice safety feature and appreciated as I have previously been burnt by a hot kettle.
The temperature control feature was very useful for cooking and is one I use very regularly for making tea and coffee so it is at a drinkable temperature when first made. Definitely first step to a smart home!
Gonna explore more products with Toyomi next up!
#toyomi #toyomisingapore #supportlocal #sp #tryreviewearn #supermomvoice
- Yanxiu